Structural Steel detailing
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Structural Steel Detailing Services
Our expertise with deep industry knowledge and who are well trained in all projects. We understand and visualize the real time fabrication and erection complexity and rectify it on time too. Our focus is to create drawings in such a way that the fabricators can easily handle the drawings and complete the job.
Your Shop Drawings, Models & Lists
Drawings are sent electronically and can be supplied in a variety of formats. We offer many options for design drawing upload such as Google Drive or Dropbox. We can provide CNC, .dxf and .xls files, field bolt lists, and assembly lists on request and at no extra cost.
- Material management files (.kss, EJE, .xml, .xls etc.)
- Automated machine fabrication files (NC1, DXF, etc.)
- 3D PDF of entire model or individual assemblies

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